Apply To Pellissippi State Online
Have you previously attended Pellissippi State?
Select one...
Yes, as a college student
Yes, as a high school Dual Enrollment student
What is your citizenship status?
Select one...
U.S. citizen
Permanent resident, resident alien, or green card
None of the above
What is your goal while enrolled at Pellissippi State?
Select one...
Seek a degree from Pellissippi State
Seek a certificate from Pellissippi State
Take classes at Pellissippi State while simultaneously seeking a degree from another college
Take classes at Pellissippi State while simultaneously enrolled in high school (DUAL ENROLLMENT)
Take classes at High School to assess for credit at Pellissippi State (DUAL CREDIT)
Take credit classes at Pellissippi State for enjoyment and personal enrichment
Take a non-credit or continuing education class at Pellissippi State
Have you attended a college, university, trade school, technical school and/or graduate program (other than Pellissippi State)?
Select one...
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